There are simple four steps to this process
What is Underground Water Leak Detection Systems
Underground water Leak detection systems are based on acoustics .The devices are tuned to detect sounds or vibrations induced by water leaking from pressurized pipes and these spots are then marked to ‘ listen’ and pinpoint the leak using listening devices or leak noise correlators .

Causes of Underground Water Leaks
Leakage can be due to corrosion of pipes , defects in materials used to make the pipes ,faulty installations ,extreme water pressure,ground movement due to drought or freezing and excessive loads and vibrations from road traffic.Leakage can occur in any part of the transmissions or distribution pipes and also in the joints or valves or fire hydrants.
Underground Water Leak Detection Process

Step 1 : Tracing Water Pipelines
A precision locator ( RD 8000 ) is used to energize and trace the water line, so as to get the exact location, depth and length of the pipeline.
Step 2 : Collect Data Using Leak Noise Correlators
Leak noise corelators will be used to collect leak noise data and correlations.The number of data recordings shall differ, depending on the fluid flow and the pressure in the water lines.Aquascan 610 corelator is a product of Gutermann, Switzerland which is used at this step.As water escapes it rubs against the pipe wall creating a vibration. Greater pressure increases the velocity and noise. A leak will be a constant high pitched noise that these will record and located within the sensors.
Step 3 : Collect Data Using Leak Noise Correlators
Leak noise corelators will be used to collect leak noise data and correlations.The number of data recordings shall differ, depending on the fluid flow and the pressure in the water lines.Aquascan 610 corelator is a product of Gutermann, Switzerland which is used at this step.As water escapes it rubs against the pipe wall creating a vibration. Greater pressure increases the velocity and noise. A leak will be a constant high pitched noise that these will record and located within the sensors.
Step 4 : Listening with a Ground Microphone or Electronic Listening Stick
Listening with a ground microphone or Electronic Listening StickA ground microphone / listening stick is used at the confirmed leak location to have the highest accuracy, so as to give the precise leak location.Aquascope 3 is a product of Gutermann, Switzerland. It is a compact piece of microphone specialized to give definitive location of the leak.

Some of our Acoustic Leak Detection Kits
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